Contact us

Do you have any questions about our group? Want to find out more about our offers?

You will find a contact form on this page to get in touch with us.

English contact-page-form(#8)

* This data is collected for the implementation of processing for the purpose of subscribing to newsletters, communicating on events related to the Habehband Group’s business, prospecting and animation. All fields are mandatory. It is intended for use by authorized Harbehband Group personnel. This data will be kept for 3 years from your last incoming contact if you are not otherwise listed as a customer contact; in the event of subscription to a newsletter or invitations to events as long as you do not unsubscribe; if you are a contact for a customer of a Harbehband Group company, for the duration of the relationship plus 3 years for commercial prospecting purposes.


231, rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 88 31 64 40

French site

MH Dienstleistungen UG Bergstieg 12, 22111 Hamburg
Tel: +49 157 39450580
German site

43 Bedford Street,Comming

Tel: +34 comming soon
English site