Privacy of personal data

The Harbehband Group, which designates Harbehband Paris and/or its subsidiaries, places the protection of personal data at the heart of its activity and its service offering. This is why we have adopted common principles in our Privacy Policy . We are committed to ensuring that the collection of personal data from this website, as well as its processing, complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the Data Protection Regulation (Règlement Informatique et Libertés). French Data Protection Act. Each form or service offered on this site limits the collection of your personal data to what is strictly necessary and specifies :

– the purposes for which they have been collected (for what purposes) whether they are optional or mandatory

– the recipients of the information (in principle only those of the Harbehband group, unless a transfer to a third party is necessary)

Personal data collected as part of the services offered on are processed using secure protocols and enable each Harbehband Group entity to manage requests in its IT applications. For any information, or to exercise your rights, concerning the management of our processing of your personal data, you can contact us as indicated in our Personal Data Protection Policy.

Request to exercise the rights of the persons concerned

Within the framework of the amended Act of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, data files and individual liberties and Regulation(EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament which came into force on May 25, 2018. We inform you that we process some of your personal data, necessary for the performance of your employment contract, to comply with our legal obligations or for the purposes of our legitimate interests (combating fraud, exercising rights of defence, etc.). In all other cases, we ask for your prior consent.

The objectives are to manage your employee file, your recruitment, the drawing up and execution of your employment contract and amendments, reporting obligations to social security bodies, formalities for affiliation to mutual insurance/ provident funds, vacation pay funds and collecting bodies; payment of your remuneration; follow-up of your training and career assessment, and management of specific authorizations or approvals; management of staff elections; execution of our services and supplies; management of telephony, communication media and IT resources, as well as our control systems (video surveillance and physical access to our sites).

Your data may be processed by the Harbehband Group’s presidency, transmitted to external service providers assisting us in support areas or the supply of means enabling the implementation and maintenance of processing. Some of your data may be transmitted to customers (calls for tender, management of our services on their sites) or to the company that replaces us during contractual transfers. Your data will be kept for as long as you are with us, and then some of it will be archived. We ensure that the people handling your data respect its confidentiality and comply with regulations.

    • Right of access
      Please specify which processing or data you are requesting. Information or copies of data will be sent to you electronically or by post. We may charge a reasonable fee based on our management costs for any additional copies or if your requests are unfounded/excessive, in which case we may refuse to process them.
    • Right of rectification
      If you believe that your data is incorrect and should be corrected, please specify which data and provide all the information needed to correct or complete it.
    • Right to erasure
      Please specify the data you are requesting to be deleted and the reasons for your request. This right is not absolute, as we are obliged to retain certain data, in particular to comply with legal and regulatory provisions or to enable us to exercise our rights (e.g.: appeals, litigation, etc.).
    • Right to limit processing
      Please specify the data whose processing you are requesting to be restricted and the reasons for your request. This right is not absolute and we may decide to continue their treatment. The implementation of the limitation may result in the suspension of some of our services. These consequences will be specified to you upon receipt of your request.
    • Right to object
      Please specify the processing for which you object to the management of your data. This right is not absolute, as the reasons for your request must, above all, relate to your particular situation.
    • Right to portability
      Please specify in your request the data concerned, the transmission format and the contact details of the recipient data controller. This right does not apply to data processed on the basis of our legal obligations or legitimate interests.

    *Your requests to exercise your rights (including this form and a copy of your proof of identity) will be kept for one year from the date of receipt.